[Flower logo of the Medieval History Course] SPECIAL TOPICS 專題讀本

A History of the Vikings - Gwyn Jones
The Vikings in History - Donald Logan
The Age of the Vikings and before - Peter Sawyer
The Vikings in History and Legend - Lars Lonnroth
Myths and Symbols in Pagan Europe - H.R.Ellis Davidson

「條頓騎士」Teutonic Knights
Warriors of the Lord - Michael Walsh
The Teutonic Knights - William Urban
The Military Order - Helen Nicholson
The Northern Crusades - Eric Christiansen
The Monks of War - Desmond Seward
Deconstructing Danzig - Montz (pdf version)

「漢薩同盟」Hanseatic League
The Sovreign States and its Competitors - Hendrik Spruyt
The German Hansa - Philippe Dollinger
English and the German Hanse, 1157-1611: Intro - T.H. Lloyd
English and the German Hanse, 1157-1611: Franchises - T.H. Lloyd
English and the German Hanse, 1157-1611: Conclusion - T.H. Lloyd

「琥珀之路與中古貿易」Amber Route and Medieval Trading
Amber - Tears of the Gods - Neil Clark
Economic and Social History of Medieval Europe - Henri Pirenne
Medieval Cities - Henri Pirenne
The Carolingian Economy - Adriaan Verhulst

Thanks for your visit!