


對話的題目: 包括 1.因信稱義 2. 聖體神學 3. 瑪利亞的尊崇

by the Lutheran World Federation and the Catholic Church, 1999

Krause & Cassidy
From left: Bishop Dr. Christian Krause and Edward Idris Cardinal Cassidy
sign the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification, 1999.

1999 - 12 - 12 in Hong Kong

The Core of the Agreement

The Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification essentially says that Lutherans and Catholics explain justification in different ways but share the same basic understanding. The central passage reads, “Together we confess: by grace alone, in faith in Christ’s saving work and not because of any merit on our part, we are accepted by God and receive the Holy Spirit, who renews our hearts while equipping us and calling us to good works.” The declaration acknowledges that good works are a genuine response to God’s grace—not the cause of it. The declaration also rescinds the formal condemnations of both the Catholic and Lutheran Churches against one another.

Date and location of the joint signing were carefully orchestrated. The ceremony took place in Augsburg, Germany, on October 31, 1999, Reformation Sunday—the anniversary of Martin Luther nailing his 95 theses of protest to the church door in Wittenberg, Germany. Augsburg was chosen because it was there that Luther was confronted by Cardinal Cajetan in 1518, and there on June 25, 1530, reformers presented the Lutheran position in the presence of Emperor Charles V to Roman Catholic authorities in a futile attempt to mend the growing rift. This Augsburg Confession is considered the foundational document of Lutheranism.

At liturgy, as the congregation sang “Veni Creator Spiritus,” the joint declaration was signed for Catholics by Cardinal Edward I. Cassidy and Bishop Walter Kasper, with the explicit approval of Pope John Paul II. Lutheran signers included Bishop Christian Krause and Dr. Ishmael Noko, representing the Lutheran World Federation, a union of 58.1 of 63 million Lutherans worldwide. Representatives of the six geographical regions of the Lutheran world signed as well. The 2.6-million-member Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, which had contributed greatly to the Lutheran-Catholic dialogue that led to the declaration, chose not to enter into the agreement. Their leader, the Rev. A. L. Barry, accused the Lutheran World Federation of “the latest example of Lutherans sacrificing God’s truth on the altar of unity.” In his view the Lutherans had gone too close to the Catholic position.

2. 聖體神學


The (Catholic) Church honors the Eucharist as one of her most exalted mysteries, since for sublimity and incomprehensibility it yields in nothing to the allied mysteries of the Trinity and Incarnation. These three mysteries constitute a wonderful triad, which causes the essential characteristic of Christianity, as a religion of mysteries far transcending the capabilities of reason, to shine forth in all its brilliance and splendor, and elevates Catholicism, the most faithful guardian and keeper of our Christian heritage, far above all pagan and non-Christian religions. - THE CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA

3. 瑪利亞的尊崇
<Kazan, Moscow>
Our Lady of Kazan,
16th-century copy of the icon from the Elokhovo Cathedral in Moscow
(physical childbearing)
Mater Dei
Mother of God (Incarnate)



Model of the Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Chartres (front)

Model of the Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Chartres (aerial)