Notice: Undefined variable: codelock in D:\public_html\latina\protection.php on line 2

Notice: Undefined variable: Vf3cd8451 in D:\public_html\latina\codelock.php(3) : eval()'d code on line 1

Notice: Undefined variable: Vb71a8c5b in D:\public_html\latina\codelock.php(3) : eval()'d code on line 1
timeprotection: $timeprotection
pa: $pa
p[2]: $p[2]
p[1]: $p[1]"; // exit; if ((($time + $timeprotection) > $pa) && ($pa > ($time - $timeprotection))) { $type = substr($file,-3,3); if (file_exists("$hiddendirectory/$file")) { if (filesize("$hiddendirectory/$file") < 10500) { if ($type == "php") { echo "$file not found on this server"; exit; } else if ($type == "zip" || $type == "exe" || $type == ".gz" || $type == "tar") $contenttype = "Content-Type: application/$type\nContent-Disposition: attachment; filename=$file"; else if ($type == "jpg" || $type == "gif" || $type == "tif" || $type == "peg" || $type == "bmp" || $type == "iff" || $type == "png") $contenttype = "Content-Type: image/$type"; else if ($type == "mp3" || $type == "mpg" || $type == "wav" || $type == "mid" || $type == "idi") $contenttype = "Content-Type: sound/$type"; else $contenttype = "Content-Type: application/$type\nContent-Disposition: attachment; filename=$file"; Header($contenttype); $intBytesRead = readfile("$hiddendirectory/$file"); exit; } else { echo "$file is larger than 10Kb and this version of File Protection doesn't support files larger than 10Kb. To have support for large files, please visit our website and upgrade to the full version."; exit; } } else { echo "$file not found on this server"; // include($invalidlogin_page); exit; } } else { include($invalidlogin_page); exit; } exit; } else { if (($loginpwd == "") || ($loginuser == "")) { include($login_page); exit; } else if (strcmp($user_passwords[$loginuser],$loginpwd) == 0) { Setcookie("loginpwd",$loginpwd,time() + ($expirecookie * 3600), $CookiePath, $CookieDomain); Setcookie("loginuser",$loginuser,time() + ($expirecookie * 3600), $CookiePath, $CookieDomain); } else { include($invalidlogin_page); exit; } } function fileprotect($filename,$timeprotection) { // $time = substr(time(),-8,6) + 3093 * 2; $time = substr(time(),-8,6) * 39; $timeprotection = ($timeprotection + $FileProtection) * 2428; $url = 'index.php?action=file&p=1957DE2A'. $time .'A'. $timeprotection .'A'. ($time * 9) .'&file='. $filename; return $url; } ?> Baltics

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