- Cicero De Re Publica (54-51 B.C.)
13) Sed quo sis (pres sbj)
, Africane, alacrior ad tutandam (part ft pass)
rem publicam,
In order that you may, Africanus, be even more assiduous in protecting the Republic,
sic habeto (fut imperative)
be assured that,
omnibus, qui patriam conservaverint (pf sbj)
, adiuverint (pf sbj)
, auxerint (pf sbj)
for all who have protected their fatherland and have aided and advanced it,
certum esse (pres inf)
in caelo definitum (part pf pass)
there has been allotted in heaven a special place
ubi beati aevo sempiterno fruantur (pres sbj)
where those blessed ones enjoy eternal life.
nihil est (pres ind)
enim illi principi deo, qui omnem mundum regit (pres ind)
To that first of gods who rules all the universe
quod quidem in terris fiat (pres sbj)
, acceptius quam concilia coetusque hominum iure sociati (part pf pass)
there is no earthly institution more pleasing than the assemblies and gathering of men ruled by law
quae civitates appellantur (pres ind pass)
which are called cities
harum rectores et conservatores hinc profecti ( part pf dep)
huc revertuntur (pres ind dep)
and the rulers and protectors of these are sent from heaven and to heaven return.