[fish] 連詞 Conjunctiones

Conjunctions are the "glue" of a sentence, joining clauses, phrases and words together.
They are divided into two types: coordinating and subordinating.

1) 朋輩連詞 Coniunctiones coordinantes
(which join clauses of equal importance)

1.1 - 「及」連詞 coniunctiones copulativae [and]
et: 及 and,
atque / ac: 並 and in fact,
-que: 並 and,
etiam: 亦 also,
quoque: 亦 too,
modo ... modo ...: 亦 sometimes... 亦 sometimes...,
et ... et ...: 又 both .... 又 and ....,
tum ... tum ...: 連 at one time .... 連 at another ....,
cum ... tum ...: 連 not only .... 也 but also ...,
tam ... quam ...: 又 so much .... 又 so ...

1.2 - 「或」連詞coniunctiones disjunctivae [or]
aut / vel / -ve: 或 or,
sive / seu: 或是 or if,
aut ... aut ...: 或 either ... 或 or ...,
vel ... vel ...: 或 either ... 或 or ...,
sive ... sive ...: 或 whether ... 或 or ...

1.3 - 「但」連詞adversative [but]
sed: 但 but,
autem: 卻 moreover,
verum: 然 but actually,
vero: 誠然 certainly,
at: 且 on the other hand,
tamen: 但 however,
attamen: 但 nevertheless,
sedtamen: 但 but in fact,
verum tamen: 但 nevertheless,
atqui: 然 and yet,
quidem: 果然 at any rate,
immo: 而且 or rather,
immo vero: 而且 or rather actually,
non solum (modo, tantum) ... sed etiam ...: 不但 not only ... 而且 but also

1.4 - 「所」連詞 conclusive [therefore]
igitur: 所以 therefore,
Homines perfecti non sunt. Falli igitur possunt.
itaque: 故此 accordingly,
Nemo liber ausus est mortuum sepelire. Itaque a servis sepultus est.
ergo: 於是 consequently,
Cogito, ergo sum
proinde: 由此 therefore,
Eos ferre non possum. Proinde aut exeant aut quiescant.
ideo: 由此 for this reason,
propterea: 由此 therefore,
ob eam rem: 由此 accordingly,
ob hanc rem: 由此 because of that,
ea de causa: 由此 because of that,
quam ob rem: 由此 by this reason,
quaproter: 由此 and therefore

1.5 - 「因」連詞 causal [because]
nam: 因為 because,
Amici non solum inter se diligunt, sed etiam verentur. Nam sine verecundia vera amicitia esse non potest.
enim: 因為 in fact,
Mihi omne tempus est meos ad libros vacuum. Numquam enim illi sunt occupati.
etenim: 並因為 and as a matter of fact
Verus es amicus. Etenim amicitiam tuam comprobasti.

2) 從屬連詞 Coniunctiones subordinantes
: which join a subordinate clause to a main clause on which it depends for its meaning)

2.1 - 時間 temporal [when]
cum: 當 when,
quando: 之時since,
dum: 之時 provided that,
donec: 至到 until,
quoad: 直到 as far as,
antequam / priusquam: 前 before,
postquam: 後 after,
ut: 一,即 as soon as,
ubi: 一,即 when,
ut primum / ubi primum / cum primum: 一,即 as soon as,
simulac / simulatque: 一,即 as soon as

2.2 - 緣由 causal [because]
quia / quod / quoniam: 因為 because,
Nemo patriam quia magna est amat, sed quia sua.
*cum / *quippe cum: 既然 since
Cum id facere non possem, quievi.

2.3 - 意向 finality [in order to]
*ut / *quo / *ne / *neve / *quominus: 為 in order to
Ita vixi ut me non frustra natum existimem.
2.4 - 後果 consecutive [then]
*ut: 以致 then,
*ut non: 以致不 without,
*quin: 以致不 but that

2.5 - 比較 comparative [like]
ut (uti) / sicut / sicut (sicuti) / velut (veluti) / tamquam (tanquam) / prout / quoad: 如同 like,
*quasi / *quasi vero / *ac (si) / *tamquam (si) / *quasi vero / *velut (si) / *quasi vero / *ut (si): 一如 as if

2.6 - 假如 conditional [if]
si: if,
sin autem: 若 but if,
si modo: 倘若 if only,
nisi: 除非 unless,
siminus / si non: 不然 if not,
dum: 只要 while,
dummodo: 只要 provided that

2.7 - 雖然 concessive
quamquam / etsi: 雖然 althought,
etiam: 縱然 even if,
*quamvis / *cum / *ut / *licet: 雖然,縱然 althought