LESSON 8 (verb passive, deponent)
Noun 1: fabula, poenam
Noun 2: amicus, di
Noun 3: leges, moribus, nomine, cogitationis, nemo, tempus,
Personal Pronoun: te, nos
Emphatic Pronoun ipsum
Demonstrative Pronoun illis
Relative & Interrogative Pronoun quid, quem
Adjective 1,2: certus, incerta, contraria, contrariis,
bonae, malis
Adjective 3: adolescens
Preposition: in, ex
Verb 1 : curantur, procreantur, mutato, narratur, mutantur,
mutamur, amari, ama, salutant
Verb 2 : promoveatur, amoveatur, rides
Verb 3 : diligunt, cernitur, patitur, moritur, morituri
Irregular verb : vis
Defective verb : ave
Conjunction: ut, de, et, si
Maxim 51-60 (simple verb)
Amicus certus in re incerta cernitur.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
(Ennius, quoted by Cicero.)
Contraria contrariis curantur.
The opposite is cured with the opposite.
Leges bonae ex malis moribus procreantur.
Good laws are born of bad customs.
(Macrobius, Saturnalia)
Promoveatur ut amoveatur.
Let him be promoted to get him out of the way.
Quid rides? Mutato nomine de te fabula narratur.
Why are you laughing? Change the name and the story is about
(Horace, Satirae)
Cogitationis poenam nemo patitur.
Nobody should be punished for his thoughts.
(Corpus Iuris Civilis. Cf. liberae sunt nostrae
Quem di diligunt adolescens moritur.
He whom the gods love dies young.
(Plautus, Bacchides)
Tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis.
The times change, and we change with them.
(John Owen)
Si vis amari, ama.
If you want to be loved, love
(Seneca Philosophus, Epistulae)
Ave, imperator, morituri te salutant.
Hail, emperor, those who will die salute you.
(Suetonius, Vitae Caesarum, Claudius. The fighters' greeting
to the emperor before gladiatorial games.)