Rerum gestarum divi Augusti, quibus orbem terrarum imperio populi Romani subiecit, et impensarum quas in rem publicam populumque Romanum fecit, incisarum in duabus aheneis pilis, quae sunt Romae positae, exemplar subiectum. | A copy below of the deeds of the divine Augustus, by which he subjected the whole wide earth to the rule of the Roman people, and of the money which he spent for the state and Roman people, inscribed on two bronze pillars, which are set up in Rome. | 兹将竖立于罗马城两根铜柱上镌刻的神圣奥古斯都的功德——他因此将整个世界置于罗马人民的治下——与他给国家和罗马人民的付出迻录如次。 |
[1] Annos undeviginti natus exercitum privato consilio et privata impensa comparavi, per quem rem publicam a dominatione factionis oppressam in libertatem vindicavi. [Ob quae] |
1. In my nineteenth year, on my own initiative and at my own expense, I raised an army with which I set free the state, which was oppressed by the domination of a faction. For that reason, the |
1. 十九岁时, 我用私人财产自行组建军队, 并用它恢复了为派系势力主宰的共和国的自由。 因此,在盖尤斯·庞萨和阿乌鲁斯·希尔提乌斯任执政官时, 元老院通过嘉奖令选我为其成员,同时使我拥有同于执政官的发言权,并授予我最高指挥权。元老院命我为代大法官,与执政官一起防范国家遭受任何危险之事。同年,由于两位执政官阵亡,人民又选我为执政官和掌管国务的三人之一。 |
[2] Qui parentem meum trucidaverunt, eos in exilium expuli iudiciis legitimis ultus eorum facinus, et postea bellum inferentis rei publicae vici bis acie. | 2. I drove the men who slaughtered my father into exile with a legal order, punishing their crime, and afterwards, when they waged war on the state, I conquered them in two battles. | 2. 依法律裁决, 我将那些刺杀我父亲 的人放逐域外,以惩其罪;之后他们向共和国开战,我两次于阵前击败他们。 |
[3] Bella terra et mari civilia externaque toto in orbe terrarum saepe gessi, victorque omnibus veniam petentibus civibus peperci. Externas gentes, quibus tuto ignosci potuit, conservare quam excidere malui. Millia civium Romanorum sub sacramento meo fuerunt circiter quingenta. Ex quibus deduxi in colonias aut remisi in municipia sua stipendis emeritis millia aliquanto plura quam trecenta, et iis omnibus agros adsignavi aut pecuniam pro praemiis militiae dedi. Naves cepi sescentas praeter eas, si quae minores quam |
3. I often waged war, civil and foreign, on the earth and sea, in the whole wide world, and as victor I spared all the citizens who sought pardon. As for foreign nations, those which I was able to safely forgive, I preferred to preserve than to destroy. About five hundred thousand Roman citizens were sworn to me. I led something more than three hundred thousand of them into colonies and I returned them to their cities, after their stipend had been earned, and I assigned all of them fields or gave them money for their military service. I captured six hundred ships in addition to those smaller than |
3. 我在全世界的陆地和海域进行内外战争,作为胜者,我宽免了所有请求饶恕的公民。对那些可以被宽恕而无害的外族,我宁愿保护而不翦灭他们。大约五十万罗马公民向我宣誓效忠;我将其中服役期满的三十余万人送到殖民城或遣回其自己的城镇,并为所有这些人分配土地或支付钱款作为服役的薪酬。如将那些小于三列桨战船的船只除外,我俘获了六百艘战船。 |
[4] Bis |
4. Twice I |
4. 我举行过两次小凯旋式,三次大凯旋式,并曾二十一次被敬称为“最高统帅”。尽管元老院为我颁令了更多的凯旋式,但我置之未理。我将权杖上的月桂花环献给卡皮托尔神庙以践行我在每场战争中所立下的誓言。为了那些由我或在我护佑下的副将在陆地和海上成功完成的事业,元老院曾五十五次下令应向不朽之神献祭。实际上,据元老院令进行的献祭达八百九十天。在我的凯旋式上,曾有九个王或王子被引领在我的战车前。到我撰述这些时,我十三次出任执政官,并已拥有三十七年的保民官权。 |
[5] |
5. When the |
5. 马尔库斯·马克卢斯和卢基乌斯·阿伦提乌斯任执政官时,无论当我缺席还是在场,由元老院和罗马人民授予我的独裁官职,我均未接受。粮食紧缺时,我并未推却粮官一职。接管后数日内我用自己的财力将所有公民从他们所处的恐慌和危机中解救出来。当时授予我的年执政官及终身执政官职位,我亦未接受。 |
[6] Consulibus M. Vinicio et Q. Lucretio et postea P. Lentulo et Cn. Lentulo et tertium Paullo Fabio Maximo et Q. Tuberone senatu populoque Romano consentientibus ut |
6. When Marcus Vinicius and Quintus Lucretius were consuls (19 B.C.E.), then again when Publius Lentulus and Gnaeus Lentulus were (18 B.C.E.), and third when Paullus Fabius Maximus and Quintus Tubero were (11 B.C.E.), although the senateand Roman people consented that I alone be made |
6. 在马尔库斯·维尼基乌斯和昆图斯·鲁克雷提乌斯任执政官时,后来在普布里乌斯·兰图卢斯和格奈乌斯·兰图卢斯任执政官时,而第三次在保路斯·费边·马克西姆斯和昆图斯·图贝罗努斯任执政官时,尽管元老院和罗马人民一致任命我为独自全权负责法律及道德事务的督导,我没有接受任何授予我、违背祖先传统的职权。其时,元老院希望我处理的事务,我通过保民官的职权处置;而且在这个职位上,经我的要求,我五次与元老院派来的同僚共治。 |
[7] Triumvirum rei publicae constituendae fui per continuos annos decem. |
7. I was triumvir for the settling of the state for ten continuous years. I was |
7. 我连续十年为管理共和国的三人之一。 到我叙述这些之日,我任元首已四十年。我曾任大祭司长、占卜官、十五人祭司团成员、七人圣宴团成员、阿尔瓦里斯祭司团成员、塔提乌斯神会成员、外交使团成员。 |
[8] |
8. When I was consul the fifth time (29 B.C.E.), I increased the number of |
8. 第五次任执政官时,我应人民和元老院之命增加贵族人数。我三次重组元老院。当我以马尔库斯·阿格里帕为同僚第六次出任执政官时,我进行了人口普查。我举行了四十二年来的第一次鲁斯特鲁姆祭仪。在该仪式上有四百零六万三千罗马公民登记在册。第二次,在盖尤斯·肯索里努斯和盖尤斯·阿西尼乌斯任执政官时,我以同于执政官的权力独自举行鲁斯特鲁姆祭仪。此次仪式上,有四百二十三万三千罗马公民登记在册。第三次,在塞克斯图斯·庞培和塞克斯图斯·阿普列伊乌斯任执政官时,我以同于执政官的权力、以我儿子提比略·凯撒为助手举行了鲁斯特鲁姆祭仪。在该仪式中,有四百九十三万七千罗马公民登记在册。通过制订新法律,我恢复了许多已从我们的习俗中废弃的祖先之法,我自己在处理诸多事务上的榜样可供后人效仿。 |
[9] Vota pro valetudine mea suscipi per consules et sacerdotes quinto quoque anno senatus decrevit. Ex iis votis saepe fecerunt vivo me |
9. The senate decreed that vows be undertaken for my health by the consuls and priests every fifth year. In fulfillment of these vows they often celebrated games for my life; several times the four highest colleges of priests, several times the consuls. Also both privately and as a city all the citizens unanimously and continuously prayed at all the shrines for my health. | 9. 元老院下令,为我祈愿健康的誓言应由执政官和祭司每隔四年举行一次。为践行这些誓言,有时是祭祀团的四位主祭司,有时是执政官,在我一生中经常举行赛会。甚至全体公民,或单独或全城集体,在所有神位前不断地齐心为我的健康祈福。 |
[10] Nomen meum senatus consulto inclusum est in |
10. By a senate decree my name was included in the |
10.据元老院令,我的名字被写入萨里意颂歌,又经立法规定了我永久神圣不可侵犯,而且只要我在世,我即拥有保民官权。我没有取代一位仍在世的同僚之位而出任大祭司一职,当人民将那个我父亲曾担任的祭祀团职位授给我时,我拒绝了。只有当几年后那个藉内乱之机占居该职的人逝去,我才接受这个祭司职位,当时正值普布里乌斯·苏尔皮基乌斯和盖尤斯·瓦尔基乌斯任执政官,从整个意大利聚集到我的选举会上的人群众多,正如人所说,这在罗马是前所未有的。 |
[11] Aram Fortunae Reducis ante |
11. The senate consecrated the altar of Fortune the Bringer-back before the |
11.为纪念我的归来,元老院在卡培那门附近的荣誉与美德神庙前奉献给回归女神一座祭坛,并令高级祭司和维斯塔贞尼每逢我在昆图斯·鲁克雷提乌斯和马尔库斯·维尼基乌斯任执政官时从叙利亚归城的那天在祭坛举行一年一度的献祭仪式,并依我的荣名将该日定名为奥古斯塔利亚。 |
[12] Ex senatus auctoritate pars |
12. By the authority of the senate, a part of the |
12.同时,据元老院令,一部分大法官和平民保民官随同执政官昆图斯·鲁克雷提乌斯和一些上等人被派往坎帕尼亚迎接我,直到那时,此种荣耀未曾加予我之外的任何人。当我成功完成行省事务从西班牙和高卢回归罗马时,正值提比略·尼禄和普布里乌斯·昆提里乌斯任执政官,为纪念我的归来,元老院决定在马尔斯广场奉献神圣的和平祭坛,并命各行政长官、祭司和维斯塔贞尼在该处举行一年一度的献祭仪式。 |
[13] |
13. Our ancestors wanted |
13. 我们的祖先规定,每当在罗马人民的整个帝国内的陆地和海洋上以胜利开创了和平时,亚努斯·奎里努斯神庙应被关闭,尽管据史册记载,自建城以来到我出生前,该神庙共被关闭两次,在我任元首期间,元老院三次下令关闭该神庙。 |
[14] Filios meos, quos iuvenes mihi eripuit fortuna, Gaium et Lucium Caesares honoris mei caussa senatus populusque Romanus annum quintum et decimum agentis consules designavit, ut eum magistratum inirent post quinquennium, et ex eo die quo deducti sunt in forum ut interessent consiliis publicis decrevit senatus. |
14. When my sons Gaius and Lucius Caesar, whom fortune stole from me as youths, were fourteen, the senate and Roman people made them consuls-designate on behalf of my honor, so that they would enter that magistracy after five years, and the senate decreed that on thatday when they were led into the forum they would be included in public councils. Moreover the Roman |
14.因我的荣耀,元老院和罗马人民在我的两个儿子盖尤斯·凯撒和卢基乌斯·凯撒——命运女神在二人年少时即将之从我身边夺走——十五岁时选派他们为指定执政官,这样他们将在五年后就任该职;而且自他们被带进集会广场之日起,元老院即令他们可以参与国务讨论。此外,所有罗马骑士尊称他们为青年之首,二人均被赠予银质的盾和矛。 |
[15] Plebei Romanae viritim HS trecenos numeravi ex testamento patris mei et nomine meo HS quadringenos ex bellorum |
15. I paid to the Roman plebs, HS 300 per man from my father's will and in my own name gave HS 400 from the |
15.我遵照父亲的遗嘱付给罗马平民每人三百塞斯特斯,在我第五次任执政官时,又以我自己之名从战利品中赠给每人四百塞斯特斯,在我第十次任执政官时我又一次从我所得的遗产中分给每人四百塞斯特斯的施舍,在我第十一次任执政官时我用自己购买的谷物分赠了十二次粮食,在我执掌保民官权的第十二年,我第三次向每人分发四百塞斯特斯的数额。我的这些赠款泽及之人从未少于二十五万人。在我执掌保民官权第十八年,即第十二次任执政官时,我向三十二万城市平民每人赠六十第纳里。当我第五次任执政官时,在我的士兵殖民地中,我从战利品中向每人赠与一千塞斯特斯;约有十二万殖民地中的人接受了这份凯旋赠款。当我第十三次任执政官时我向当时正接受公共粮食的平民每人赠送六十第纳里;其人数略多于二十万。 |
[16] Pecuniam pro agris quos in consulatu meo quarto et postea consulibus M. Crasso et Cn. Lentulo Augure adsignavi militibus solvi municipis; ea summa sestertium circiter sexsiens milliens fuit quam pro Italicis praedis numeravi, et circiter bis milliens et sescentiens quod pro agris provincialibus solvi. Id primus et solus omnium qui deduxerunt colonias militum in Italia aut in provincis ad memoriam aetatis meae feci. Et postea, Ti. Nerone et Cn. Pisone consulibus itemque C. Antistio et D. Laelio cos. et C. Calvisio et L. Pasieno consulibus et L. Lentulo et M. Messalla consulibus et L. Camnio et Q. Fabricio cos., militibus quos emeriteis stipendis in sua municipia deduxi praemia numerato persolvi, quam in rem sestertium quater milliens circiter impendi. | 16. I paid the towns money for the fields which I had assigned to soldiers in my fourth consulate (30 B.C.E.) and then when Marcus Crassus and Gnaeus Lentulus Augur were consuls (14 B.C.E.); the sum was about HS 600,000,000 which I paid out for Italian estates, and about HS 260,000,000 which I paid for provincial fields. I was first and alone who did this among all who founded military colonies in Italy or the provinces according to the memory of my age. And afterwards, when Tiberius Nero and Gnaeus Piso were consuls (7 B.C.E.), and likewise when Gaius Antistius and Decius Laelius were consuls (6 B.C.E.), and when Gaius Calvisius and Lucius Passienus were consuls (4 B.C.E.), and when Lucius Lentulus and Marcus Messalla were consuls (3 B.C.E.), and when Lucius Caninius and Quintus Fabricius were consuls (2 B.C.E.) , I paid out rewards in cash to the soldiers whom I had led into their towns when their service was completed, and in this venture I spent about HS 400,000,000. | 16.在我第四次任执政官和后来当马尔库斯·克拉苏和占卜官格奈乌斯·兰图卢斯任执政官时,我给士兵分配了土地,为此我向各自治城支付了钱款。我为意大利地区的地产花费的总额约为六亿塞斯特斯,而我为行省土地的付出约为两亿六千万塞斯特斯。到我所生活的年代,在所有那些于意大利或各行省建置士兵殖民地的人中,我是第一个也是惟一一个这么做的。后来,在提比略·尼禄和格奈乌斯·皮索任执政官时,同样在盖尤斯·安提斯提乌斯和德基姆斯·莱利乌斯任执政官时,在盖尤斯·卡尔维西乌斯和卢基乌斯·帕西埃努斯任执政官时,在卢基乌斯·兰图卢斯和马尔库斯·梅萨拉任执政官时,在卢基乌斯·卡尼尼乌斯和昆图斯·法布里基乌斯任执政官时,对那些服役期满后我就遣回其自己的自治城的士兵,我酬以现金,为此事我自愿花费了四亿塞斯特斯。 |
[17] Quater pecunia mea iuvi |
17. Four times I helped the senatorial |
17.我四次用我自己的财产资助国库,这样我向掌管国库的人拨出了一亿五千万塞斯特斯。当马尔库斯·雷必达和卢基乌斯·阿鲁恩提乌斯任执政官时,我从我所得的遗产中拨出一亿七千万塞斯特斯送给因我的提议而设立的军费金库,从中拿出酬金发给那些服役期满二十年以上的士兵。 |
[18] Ab eo anno quo Cn. et P. Lentulli consules fuerunt, cum deficerent |
18. From that year when Gnaeus and Publius Lentulus were consuls (18 Bc), when the |
18.从格奈乌斯·兰图卢斯和普布里乌斯·兰图卢斯任执政官之年 开始,每当税收锐减时,我从我的积蓄和所得遗产中有时向十万人、有时向更多的人数提供钱粮赠券。 |
[19] Curiam et continens ei Chalcidicum templumque Apollinis in Palatio cum porticibus, aedem divi Iuli, |
19. I built the senate-house and the Chalcidicum which adjoins it and the temple of Apollo on the Palatine with porticos, the temple of divine Julius, the |
19.我修建的建筑物有元老院会堂和与之相邻的卡尔吉迪库姆,在帕拉丁山上带楹廊的阿波罗神庙,神圣尤利乌斯祠庙,鲁帕尔卡尔神龛,弗拉米尼乌斯竞技场上的柱廊——我准许用之前在同一地点建过柱廊的人的名字将它命名为“奥克塔维亚”,大竞技场的神台,卡皮托尔山上的征服者朱庇特神庙和雷神朱庇特神庙,奎里努斯神庙,在阿芬丁山上的米涅尔瓦神庙、天后朱诺神庙和解放者朱庇特神庙,圣路顶点处的拉莱斯神庙,维里亚高地上的佩纳特斯诸神神庙,青春女神神庙,在帕拉丁山上的西贝拉神庙。 |
[20] Capitolium et Pompeium theatrum utrumque opus impensa grandi refeci sine ulla inscriptione nominis mei. |
20. I rebuilt the Capitol and the theater of Pompey, each work at enormous cost, without any inscription of my name. I rebuilt |
20.我重修了卡皮托尔神庙和庞培剧院,两处工程均花费巨款却没有任何我的留题。我改造了多处年久失修的水渠;我还通过引新水源至其管道而将名为马尔西亚的水渠的水量增大了一倍。我完成了由我父亲开始并近乎告竣的工程——尤利亚广场和位于卡斯托尔神庙和萨图尔尼乌斯神庙之间的大会堂,该会堂毁于火灾后,我将原址扩大开始修建以我儿子之名命名的会堂,并下令如我有生之年不能完成,它应由我的后人完成。当我第六次任执政官时,据元老院令,我在罗马城修复了八十二座诸神之庙宇,当时待修之庙无一漏掉。在我第七次任执政官时,我修筑了从罗马到阿瑞米努姆的弗拉米尼亚大道以及除穆尔维乌斯桥和米努基乌斯桥以外的所有桥梁。 |
[21] In privato solo |
21. I built the |
21.在我自己的地产上,我用战利品修建了复仇神马尔斯庙和奥古斯都广场。在阿波罗神庙附近,我在大部分从私人手中购买的土地上修建了剧院,并以我的女婿马尔库斯·马克卢斯的名字命名。我用战利品在卡皮托尔神庙、神圣尤利乌斯祠庙、阿波罗神庙、维斯塔神庙和复仇神马尔斯庙中献祭,共花费我约一亿塞斯特斯。在我第五次任执政官时,我返还了诸自治城和意大利殖民城为我凯旋献出的三万五千磅冕金;此后,每当我被授予“最高统帅”称号时,我不接受来自各自治城和殖民城的冕金,尽管他们就像以前做决定时同样热情地下令进献。 |
[22] Ter |
22. Three times I gave |
22.我三次以我自己的名义、五次以我儿子或孙子的名义举办角斗表演;在这些表演中,约有一万人参与战斗。我两次以我自己的名义为人民举行从各处召集来的竞技者表演,第三次以我孙子的名义举行。我四次以自己的名义、二十三次代表其他行政官员举办赛会。在盖尤斯·弗尔尼乌斯和盖尤斯·希拉努斯任执政官时,我代表十五人祭司团——作为该组织的首领——以马尔库斯·阿格里帕为助手举行了世纪赛会。在我第十三次任执政官时,我首次举行了马尔斯赛会,执政官应元老院之命要与我在那之后的年份连续举行该赛会。我曾以我自己的或我儿子、孙子的名义,在竞技场或广场或圆形剧场为人民举行了二十六次阿非利加野兽的猎斗表演,其间约三千五百头猎兽被杀。 |
[23] |
23. I gave the people a |
23.我在台伯河对岸、现为凯撒园林之处为人民举行了海战表演, 那片被挖掘的土地长一千八百足,宽一千二百足。其间,有三十艘三层桨或双层桨的尖首船以及更多的小型船只相互开战。在这些舰船上,除桨勇外,约三千人参战。 |
[24] In templis omnium civitatium provinciae Asiae victor ornamenta reposui quae spoliatis templis is cum quo bellum gesseram privatim possederat. |
24. In the temples of all the cities of the province of Asia, as victor, I replaced the ornaments which he with whom I fought the war had possessed privately after he despoiled the temples. |
24.作为胜利者,我将各种设施——我与之作战的那人劫掠神庙后据为己有之物——放回亚细亚行省所有城市的诸神庙中。 在罗马城,我的银质站立像、骑马像和战车像约立有八十座,我自己将它们移除并用所得钱款以我自己的和那些给我塑像荣誉的人的名义向阿波罗神庙奉赠金质祭品。 |
[25] Mare pacavi a praedonibus. Eo bello servorum qui fugerant a dominis suis et arma contra rem publicam ceperant triginta fere millia capta dominis |
25. I restored peace to the sea from pirates. In that slave war I handed over to their masters for the |
25.我解除了海上的海盗威胁。我将在战争中俘获的近三万名战俘——已反叛其主人并武装反对国家——交还其主人以接受责罚。整个意大利自愿向我宣誓效忠,并要求我做我在亚克兴取胜的那场战争的统帅。高卢、西班牙、非洲、西西里和萨丁尼亚诸行省进行了同样的效忠宣誓。当时在我麾下供职的人有七百多名元老,其中有八十三人在那之前和那之后——直到这些被撰述之日——出任执政官,约一百七十人任祭司。 |
[26] Omnium provinciarum populi Romani quibus finitimae fuerunt gentes quae non parerent imperio nostro fines auxi. Gallias et Hispanias provincias, item Germaniam, qua includit Oceanus a Gadibus ad ostium Albis fluminis pacavi. Alpes a regione ea quae proxima est Hadriano mari ad Tuscum pacificavi nulli genti |
26. I extended the borders of all the provinces of the Roman people which neighbored nations not subject to our rule. I restored peace to the provinces of Gaul and Spain, likewise Germany, which includes the ocean from Cadiz to the mouth of the river Elbe. I brought peace to the Alps from the region which is near the Adriatic Sea to the Tuscan, with no |
26.我将罗马人民的所有行省——与那些还未归服于我们帝国的部族相邻的行省——的边界扩大了。我平息了高卢行省、西班牙行省以及囊括从加的斯海域到易北河口处的日耳曼地区。我未对任何民族发动非正义战争而平定了从接近亚得里亚海的区域到图斯坎海的阿尔卑斯地区。我的舰队从莱茵河口穿越海洋向东部地区最远航行到基姆布利人的边界——在那之前,任何罗马人都未曾到过那里的陆地和海域——而且基姆布利人、卡里德斯人、塞姆诺尼斯人以及该地区的其他日耳曼部族通过使节寻求与我及罗马人民的友谊。几乎与此同时,两支军队在我的命令和指挥下被带进埃塞俄比亚和被称为“福地”的阿拉伯地区,来自两个部族的大部分敌军在对垒中被击败,许多城池被攻破。我军深入埃塞俄比亚直达麦罗埃附近的纳巴塔城。我军攻入阿拉伯直达塞巴人疆域的马里巴城。 |
[27] Aegyptum imperio populi Romani adieci. Armeniam maiorem interfecto rege eius Artaxe cum possem facere provinciam malui maiorum nostrorum exemplo regnum id Tigrani regis Artavasdis filio, nepoti autem Tigranis regis, per Ti. Neronem tradere, qui tum |
27. I added Egypt to the rule of the Roman people. When Artaxes, king of Greater Armenia, was killed, though I could have made it a province, I preferred, by the example of our elders, to hand over that kingdom to Tigranes, son of king Artavasdes, and grandson of King Tigranes, through Tiberius Nero, who was then my |
27.我将埃及归到罗马人民的治下。尽管当王阿塔薛斯被杀后我可以将大亚美尼亚设为行省,我宁愿遵循我们祖先的惯例通过当时已是我继子的提比略·尼禄将那个王国交给提格拉奈斯——王阿塔瓦斯得斯之子、王提格拉奈斯之孙。后来当这个部族动乱、反叛并被我儿子盖尤斯镇压后,我又将它交给王阿里奥巴尔扎尼斯——米底国王阿塔巴祖斯之子——统治,在他死后又交给其子阿塔瓦斯得斯。他被刺杀后,我将出身亚美尼亚王室的提格拉奈斯派到该国。我恢复了穿过亚得里亚海向东延伸的所有行省、当时大部分为诸王统治的昔兰尼行省,以及之前已通过奴隶战争攻占的西西里和萨丁尼亚。 |
[28] Colonias in Africa, Sicilia, Macedonia, utraque Hispania, Achaia, Asia, Syria, Gallia Narbonensi, Pisidia militum deduxi. Italia autem XXVIII colonias quae vivo me celeberrimae et frequentissimae fuerunt mea auctoritate deductas habet. | 28. I founded colonies of soldiers in Africa, Sicily, Macedonia, each Spain, Greece, Asia, Syria, Narbonian Gaul, and Pisidia, and furthermore had twenty-eight colonies founded in Italy under my authority, which were very populous and crowded while I lived. | 28.我在阿非利加、西西里、马其顿、两个西班牙行省、阿卡亚、亚细亚、叙利亚、那尔旁高卢 和皮西迪亚诸行省中建立士兵殖民城;而且,意大利有二十八座在我指挥下建立的殖民城——这些城在我有生之年已经十分闻名和繁盛。 |
[29] |
29. I recovered from Spain, Gaul, and Dalmatia the many |
29.我打败敌人后,从西班牙、高卢和达尔马提亚人手中收回了许多被其他将领丧失的军旗。我迫使帕提亚人向我归还了三个罗马军团的战利品和军旗,并以卑者身份乞求罗马人的友谊。我将这些军旗放在位于复仇神马尔斯庙的内殿中。 |
[30] Pannoniorum gentes, quas ante me principem populi Romani exercitus nunquam adit, devictas per Ti. Neronem, qui tum erat privignus et legatus meus, imperio populi Romani subieci, protulique fines Illyrici ad ripam fluminis Danui. Citra quod Dacorum transgressus exercitus meis auspicis victus profilgatusque est, et postea trans Danuvium ductus exercitus meus Dacorum gentes imperia populi Romani perferre coegit. | 30. As for the tribes of the Pannonians, before my principate no army of the Roman people had entered their land. When they were conquered through Tiberius Nero, who was then my step-son and emissary, I subjected them to the rule of the Roman people and extended the borders of Illyricum to the shores of the river Danube. On the near side of it the army of the Dacians was conquered and overcome under my auspices, and then my army, led across the Danube, forced the tribes of the Dacians to bear the rule of the Roman people. | 30.我将潘诺尼亚各部族——我统治之前罗马人民的军队从未进入、却被当时已是我的继子和副将的提比略·尼禄征服——控在罗马人民的权威之下,并将伊里利库姆的边界推进至多瑙河岸边。在我的指挥下,一支越过多瑙河的达西亚军队被击败并被歼灭,后来我的军队被带领越过多瑙河,迫使达西亚各部臣服于罗马人民的权威。 |
[31] Ad me ex India regum legationes saepe missae sunt non visae ante id tempus apud quemquam Romanorum ducem. Nostram amicitiam appetiverunt per legatos Bastarnae Scythaeque et Sarmatarum qui sunt citra flumen Tanaim et ultra reges, Albanorumque rex et Hiberorum et Medorum. | 31. Emissaries from the Indian kings were often sent to me, which had not been seen before that time by any Roman leader. The Bastarnae, the Scythians, and the Sarmatians, who are on this side of the river Don and the kings further away, and the kings of the Albanians, of the Iberians, and of the Medes, sought our friendship through emissaries. | 31.来自印度国的特使——之前在任何罗马将领面前从未出现过——常被派到我处。巴斯塔奈人、西徐亚人、居于塔纳伊河两侧的萨尔马泰部族诸王、阿尔巴人之王以及希贝里人之王和米底人之王均通过使节寻求我们的友谊。 |
[32] Ad me supplices confugerunt reges Parthorum Tiridates et postea Phrates regis Phratis filius, Medorum Artavasdes, Adiabenorum Artaxares, Britannorum Dumnobellaunus et Tincommius, Sugambrorum Maelo, Marcomanorum Sueborum . . . rus. Ad me rex Parthorum Phrates Orodis filius filios suos nepotesque omnes misit in Italiam non bello superatus, sed amicitiam nostram per liberorum suorum |
32. To me were sent supplications by kings: of the Parthians, Tiridates and later Phrates son of king Phrates, of the Medes, Artavasdes, of the Adiabeni, Artaxares, of the Britons, Dumnobellaunus and Tincommius, of the Sugambri, Maelo, of the Marcomanian Suebi (...) (-)rus. King Phrates of the Parthians, son of Orodes, sent all his sons and grandsons into Italy to me, though defeated in no war, but seeking our friendship through the |
32.帕提亚诸王、王提里达太斯以及后来王弗拉提斯之子弗拉提斯逃至我处乞求保护;还有米底的阿塔瓦斯得斯、阿迪亚贝尼人的阿塔萨瑞斯、不列颠人的杜姆诺贝劳努斯和提姆□□□□□□;苏伽姆布利人的麦罗、马尔考曼尼人和苏埃波□□□□□□。奥罗德斯之子、帕提亚王弗拉提斯将他所有的子孙送到意大利我处,并非因战中被制,但为以其子孙为人质寻求我们的友谊。在我任元首期间,许多其他部族——此前与罗马人民没有任何使节和友好往来的部族——认识到了罗马人民的诚信。 |
[33] A me gentes Parthorum et Medorum per legatos principes earum gentium reges petitos acceperunt: Parthi Vononem, regis Phratis filium, regis Orodis nepotem, Medi Ariobarzanem, regis Artavazdis filium, regis Ariobarzanis nepotem. | 33. The nations of the Parthians and Medes received from me the first kings of those nations which they sought by emissaries: the Parthians, Vonones son of king Phrates, grandson of king Orodes, the Medes, Ariobarzanes, son of king Artavasdes, grandson of king Aiobarzanes. | 33.经由我,帕提亚人和米底人得到了通过各自部族的首要使节要求的国王:帕提亚得到沃诺内斯——王弗拉提斯之子,王奥罗德斯之孙;米底人得到阿里奥巴尔扎尼斯——王阿塔瓦兹得斯之子,王阿里奥巴尔扎尼斯之孙。 |
[34] In consulatu sexto et septimo, postquam bella civilia exstinxeram, per consensum universorum potitus rerum omnium, rem publicam ex mea potestate in senatus populique Romani arbitrium transtuli. Quo pro merito meo senatus consulto Augustus appellatus sum et laureis postes aedium mearum vestiti publice |
34. In my sixth and seventh consulates (28-27 B.C.E.), after putting out the civil war, having obtained all things by universal consent, I handed over the state from my power to the dominion of the senate and Roman people. And for this merit of mine, by a senate decree, I was called Augustus and the doors of my temple were publicly clothed with laurel and a |
34.我一平息内战便经一致同意掌控了所有事务,在我第六次和第七次任执政官时,我将国务从我的权限中转交到元老院和罗马人民的仲裁下。为我的这种德行,据元老院令,我被授予“奥古斯都”称号,我居所的门柱在公众仪式中被饰以月桂花环,而且一顶市民花环被安置在我的大门上方,还有一面金盾被放在尤利亚会堂,通过盾上的铭文可证明元老院和罗马人民因我的英勇、仁慈、正义和虔敬将它赠与我。从那时起,我在威名上超过了所有人,但我拥有的权力并不比与我同掌任何官职的同僚拥有的更多。 |
[35] Tertium decimum consulatum cum gerebam, senatus et |
35. When I administered my thirteenth consulate (2 B.C.E.), the senate and |
35.当我第十三次就任执政官时,元老院、骑士阶层和全体罗马人民授予我“祖国之父”的称号,并下令该称号应被刻在我居所的前厅、元老院会堂、以及据元老院令为我在奥古斯都广场上竖立的战车下方。当我撰述这些时,我七十六岁。 |
Appendix | Appendix | 附录 |
[1] Summa pecuniae quam dedit vel in aerarium vel Plebei Romanae vel dimissis militibus: denarium sexiens milliens. | 1. All the expenditures which he gave either into the treasury or to the Roman plebs or to discharged soldiers: HS 2,400,000,000. | 1. 他赠给国库、罗马平民或退伍士兵的金钱总数为六亿第纳里。 |
[2] Opera fecit nova aedem Martis, Iovis Tonantis et Feretri, Apollinis, divi Iuli, Quirini, Minervae, Iunonis Reginae, Iovis Libertatis, Larum, deum Penatium, Iuventatis, Matris Magnae, Lupercal, pulvinar ad circum, curiam cum Chalcidico, forum Augustum, basilicam Iuliam, theatrum Marcelli, porticum Octaviam, nemus trans Tiberim Caesarum. | 2. The works he built: the temples of Mars, of Jupiter Subduer and Thunderer, of Apollo, of divine Julius, of Minerva, of Queen Juno, of Jupiter Liberator, of the Lares, of the gods of the Penates, of Youth, and of the Great Mother, the Lupercal, the state box at the circus, the senate-house with the Chalcidicum, the forum of Augustus, the Julian basilica, the theater of Marcellus, the Octavian portico, and the grove of the Caesars across the Tiber. | 2. 他修筑的新工程有马尔斯神庙、征服者朱庇特神庙和雷神朱庇特神庙、阿波罗神庙、神圣尤利乌斯祠庙、奎里努斯神庙、米涅尔瓦神庙、天后朱诺神庙、解放者朱庇特神庙、拉莱斯神庙、佩纳特斯诸神神庙、青春女神神庙、西贝拉神庙、鲁帕尔卡尔神龛、大竞技场的圣台、带有卡尔吉迪库姆的会堂、奥古斯都广场、尤利亚大会堂、马克卢斯剧院、柱廊□□□□□□台伯河对岸的凯撒园林。 |
[3] Refecit Capitolium sacrasque aedes numero octoginta duas, theatrum Pompei, aquarum rivos, viam Flaminiam. | 3. He rebuilt the Capitol and holy temples numbering eighty-two, the theater of Pompey, waterways, and the Flaminian road. | 3. 他重修了卡皮托尔神庙和共计八十二座的神圣建筑物,以及庞培剧院、众多的水渠和弗拉米尼亚大道。 |
[4] Impensa praestita in spectacula scaenica et munera gladiatorum atque athletas et venationes et naumachiam et donata pecunia colonis, municipiis, oppidis terrae motu incendioque consumptis aut viritim amicis senatoribusque quorum census explevit innumerabilis. | 4. The sum expended on theatrical spectacles and gladatorial games and athletes and hunts and mock naval battles and money given to colonies, cities, and towns destroyed by earthquake and fire or per man to friends and senators, whom he raised to the senate rating: innumerable. | 4. 为剧院演出提供的表演、角斗表演、运动竞技、野兽斗猎、海战表演和金钱赠礼□□□□□□ 毁于地震和火灾、或向每位朋友和提高了财产收入的元老们,不可胜数。 |
The Latin Library The Classics Page | English translation: Copyright 1998, Thomas Bushnell, BSG. | 作者: 张楠, 张强, 东北师范大学, 《古代文明》 2007年第03期 - |
1 元老院senatus 发言权sententia dicenda 最高指挥权imperium 大法官propraetor 执政官consul 掌管国务的三人triumvir rei publicae 3 三列桨战船triremes 4 小凯旋式ovans triumphare 大凯旋式curulis triumphum 最高统帅imperator 权杖上的月桂花环Laurum de fascibus 卡皮托尔神庙Capitolium 不朽之神dii immortales 5 独裁官职Dictatura 粮官一职curatio annonae 执政官职位Consulatum 6 独自全权负责法律及道德事务的督导curator legum et morum summa potestate solus 保民官的职权tribunicia potestas 7 元首Princeps senatus 大祭司长Pontifex maximus, priesthood overseeing state cult 占卜官augur, responsible for taking auspices in order to ascertain divine will, by observing the flight and song of birds. 十五人祭司团成员XV vir sacris faciundis, in charge of the Sibylline books and oversaw foreign cults in Rome 七人圣宴团成员VII vir epulonum, supervised public religious feasts at festivals and games. (四大祭祀团sacerdotum quattuor amplissima collegia) 阿尔瓦里斯祭司团成员frater arvalis, priesthood with oversight for the purification of fields 塔提乌斯神会成员sodalis Titius, priesthood in connection with augury. 外交使团成员fetialis, priesthood with oversight for making treaties and declaring war 8 贵族Patricius 人口普查censum populi (28BC, 8BC, 14AD: with the number of Roman citizens increased from 4 to 5 million). 鲁斯特鲁姆祭仪Lustrum, purification ceremony marking the close of the census. 9 赛会ludus 四大祭祀团sacerdotum quattuor amplissima collegia 神位pulvinar, pulvinaria 萨里意颂歌saliare carmen, hymn sung by the Salii priests whose duty is to guard a sacred shield. 10 选举会comitia 11 荣誉与美德神庙aedes Honoris et Virtutis 维斯塔贞尼virgines Vestales 奥古斯塔利亚Augustalia 12 大法官praetor 平民保民官tribunus plebi 和平祭坛ara Pacis 马尔斯广场campus Martium 13 亚努斯·奎里努斯神庙Ianus Quinnus 14 骑士Equites 青年之首princeps iuventutis 15 战利品manibium 凯旋赠款triumphale congiarium 17 国库aerarium 军费金库aerarium militare 18 税收vectigalia 钱粮赠券frumentarius et nummarius 19 鲁帕尔卡尔神龛Lupercal 20 水渠Rivus aquarum 21 复仇神马尔斯庙Martis Ultoris templum 意大利殖民城colonium Italiae 最高统帅imperator 冕金aurum coronarium 22 角斗表演munus gladiatorium 竞技者表演accitorum spectaculum 世纪?赛会ludos saeclares 马尔斯赛会ludus Martiale 野兽的猎斗Venatio bestiarum 23 海战表演Navalis proeli spectaclum 凯撒园林nemus Caesarum 尖首船rostratae naves 桨勇remiges 24 银质站立像Statuae pedestres argenteae 骑马像Statuae equestres 战车像Statuae in quadrigeis 25 以接受责罚ad supplicium sumendum 行省provincia 26 发动非正义战争bellum per iniuriam inlatum 东部地区solis orientis regio 福地 Eudaemon 27 是我继子mihi privignus 奴隶战争bellum servile 29 军旗Signa militaria 内殿中in penetrali 32 人质pignora 34 一顶市民花环corona civica 一面金盾clupeus aureus 在威名上超过了所有人auctoritas omnibus praestita 权力并不有更多potestas nihilo amplius 35 骑士阶层equester ordo 祖国之父pater patriae Appendix 第纳里denarium 剧院演出提供的表演spectacula scaenica 角斗表演munera gladiatorum 运动竞技athletas 野兽斗猎venatio 海战表演naumachia |
Suetonius, Augustus, 101, states that Augustus had deposited with the vestal Virgins, along with his will, three other documents, all of which were opened and read in the Senate. The first contained instructions for his funeral; the third, a summarized statement of the condition of the whole empire; the second, the one with which we are here concerned, contained "a résumé of his acts which he wished to have engraved upon bronze tablets to be set up before his mausoleum." More than forty years before his death Augustus had built this mausoleum on the Tiber at the northern edge of the Campus Martius, in the midst of a small park, which was opened by the Emperor to the public. The mausoleum itself was probably surrounded by an enclosing wall, at the entrance to which, facing the Campus Martius, stood the pillars, or pilasters, on which was engraved the index rerum gestarum. The bronze tablets have long since disappeared. The original document, however, was copied on the walls of many of the temples of Augustus throughout the empire, and remains of three copies have come to light in Asia Minor alone. In addition to the Augusteum at Ancyra (Ankara), inscribed with both the Latin text and a Greek version, there was found another ruined temple at Apollonia (Sozopolis, Pisidia) with remnants of the same Greek version; it is fairly certain that the Augusteum at Pergamon (in Mysia) had both the Latin and the Greek versions; and finally at Antioch in Pisidia (Colonia Caesarea) Sir W. M. Ramsay discovered, in 1914, a number of fragments of the Latin text from a fourth copy. The inscription on the temple of Rome and Augustus at Ancyra is relatively so complete, although marred in places by the scaling of the stone, that it outweighs all the others in importance, and the designation Monumentum Ancyranum has become synonymous with Res Gestae Divi Augusti. The temple of Rome and Augustus at Ancyra is still in a fair state of preservation. The Latin text is chiselled upon both sides of the inner walls of the pronaos or vestibule. It was arranged in six pages, three of forty-six lines each, on the left as one entered, surmounted by the title, which runs in two and a half lines across the top of all three, and three pages on the right of fifty-four lines each. The Monumentum Ancyranum was first made known to the western world by Buysbecche, a Dutch scholar who was sent, in 1555, by Ferdinand II on an embassy to the Sultan Soliman at Amasia in Asia Minor. In 1882, however, at the suggestion of Mommsen, the Academy commissioned Carl Humann to make a plaster cast. He not only made casts of the Latin inscription, but also of the Greek as well, having persuaded the owners of the houses to allow their walls to be partially torn down for the purpose, and the casts were safely transported to Berlin in the autumn of 1882, where they are now among the treasures of the Museum. In 1883, using these casts as a basis, Mommsen published his great critical edition, with a supplement containing heliogravure reproductions from the casts. This edition of Mommsen has become the basis for all subsequent work. In a style of studied simplicity, and almost telegraphic brevity, with not a word too many or a word too few, and, except for the personal pronoun which is used throughout, with an objectivity worthy of the commentaries of his adopted father, the document sets forth, (1) the honours conferred upon Augustus from time to time by the Senate and the Roman people and the services for which they were conferred, chapters 1‑14, (2) the donations which he made from his own personal account to the Republic, to the discharged soldiers, and the Roman plebs; also the games, shows, and spectacles given to the people at his own expense, chapters 15‑24, and (3) and account of his acts in peace and war, chapters 25‑35. The title provided by Tiberius includes only the last two, namely, the Impensae and the Res Gestae, but the first group may easily be reckoned with the third, since the services are there recorded as well as the honours conferred in reward for them. There is no attempt at literary embellishment. The document is almost statistical in its conciseness, and the facts of a long life are allowed to speak for themselves. The superlative is purposely avoided, and there is also an absence of the usual descriptive adjectives and adverbs. Nowhere does the emperor refer by name to any of his public enemies, such as Antony, Brutus and Cassius, Lepidus, or Sextus Pompey. Not even his own name appears in the body of the document, except in the statement that the Senate, out of honour to him, had conferred upon him the title of Augustus. No mention is made of his father, his mother, or his wife, nor, indeed, of any member of his family, except that he does mention Agrippa, Tiberius, Gaius, and Lucius, when their names were linked with his in public honours and public affairs. In a word, everything of a personal nature is omitted with studied objectivity, and his narration is limited to his relations with the Senate and the Roman people and theirs with him. (*.html) |